assura: The best weapons for a paladin lvl 60 are :
weapon: Behemoth earth cratfer
armor: Hydra's Bloodsoaked leather
shield: devil glimmerhood
boot: bone dragon silver boot
helmet: Giant's chao glare
2 mgkr and 1 lich mogul amulet
14-05-02 20:00
assura: 2.All classes need wisdom and dex mostly. But strength is also good to have high or damage even it doesn't matter which. Wisdom increase the potency of your slow spell which is a paladins best shot against barbs, paor that with high dex and your onto a winner. Barbs need wisdom to greatly increase there frenzy and bloodlust and same with necro, druids for obvious reasons also need to focus stats the same way.
14-05-02 19:59
assura: Whats special about pally's are? They have "slow" spell... Not even necromacers or druidz has that spell... Even if u have 90% earth spell prot. "slow" spell will still have 50% effect against enemies... Well of course you have to get enough wisdom to do that.. But you don't need to use wiz runes to build ur wiz.. You just need to use lvl80 pally class legend gears... But i think D.A. Is the best class of all for now..
14-05-02 18:39
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