Strategy » Short s2 Guide by _rogue_
jabberwocky: -beer-
what is title and how to get it?
14-05-02 23:01
_rogue_: Sorry lvl 40 Shield title is cavalier & lvl 50 shield is champion. The naga & wyvren titles r available at lvl 35.

Enjoy -good2-
14-05-02 20:02
_rogue_: Now about class:
If u hv noticed in this game dex is the main build. So its all about dex.

The Amazon & Barb class are the ones i hv played so far & both are focused on dex & use a mixture of str. & wis gears & at higher lvl use runes that giv damage & dex.

Amazons therefore focus only on dex & no other stats.

Gears at lvl 25:
Helm- War Bonnet
Armor- Centurion
Boots- Forest/Artic
Weapon-Amazon titled bow
Amulet: zealot
ring: marksmen

At lvl 40 scroll & try to get unicorn title in helm, naga title in armor, wayvren title in boots, champion in shield, & a amazon v bow.
i would prefer to just put some lvl 4 gems in ring & amulet & change at lvl 50 only to archi magi leader & mgkr

At lvl 50 upgrade titles of helm,armor,shield & boots, to war unicorn, naga queen, wayvren monarch if possible & rune them
i will prefer to just rune amazon v bow
14-05-02 19:57
_rogue_: PvP:
As far as possible avoid pvp.. its a waste of time & resource. Always check online people & latest battles to identify bullies & their location so that u r not taken by suprise.

Do not invest much in low lvl gears coz in s2 its expensive initially but wortless towards t end. Try to invest in lvl 50+ gears & runes. Save jewels to use after lvl 40+ only so that u cn kill higher rank mobs & quest units & lvl up faster.

Hope this helps :)
14-05-02 19:21
_rogue_: Hunting & Leveling:
Between lvl 1-10 if u hv noticed everytime a stat point is put ur stamina is also restored. One tip is to reserve t stat point till u use up all stamina. This way u'll not b wasting stam pots at that lvl.

Between lvl 1-19 hunt till u drop ;D coz it'll b t only time where u dont worry about pvp. Collect & keep as many wisdom gears... u'll need them to learn spells as well as equip some gears.

For the 1st 500 wins dont do anything except hunting & leveling. Do task & hunt ms after 500 wins only.

Once u get to lvl 20+ try finding quite spots to hunt. Never reveal ur position by asking in chat to kill rank mobs or staying for long hrs in same spot. Always pm ur friend or clan
14-05-02 19:08
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