Strategy » BARBARIAN - SUCCESS through BRUTE FORCE and SHEER POWER.. - by- zazazel
zazazel: BARBARIAN
Advantage- very high physical damage output.
gears give high strenght.
even though barbarians lack a big array of spells, yet, their BLOODLUST and FRENZY are amongst the best spells in bd.
'simpler' battle plays, because barbarians dont have to bother much about opponents elemental protection , etc.
disadvantage- lack of 'weakness' spell. this makes it mandatory to have very high dexterity from early levels itself.
wearing items requiring high wisdom , becomes a bit difficult.

dos- build your character to have a very very high dexterity. if you can't hit your opponent (monster or player) , you are NO good at all.
DON'T ignore your wisdom altogether. especially in higher levels. without a decent wisdom , your bloodlust/frenzy spells will be weak, and pushed down by other class players in PvP battles, .
NOTE- if your opponent is reducing your damage output by casting 'weakness' on you, counter using 'cure' or simply having a high 'water ' protection.
if your opponents are using high impact elemenatl damage spells on you, use spells of respective elemental protection.

once you are of a higher level , things become much 'swifter' and 'quick' for you. how? find out yourself. its great! ;)
good luck
thank you
14-05-02 19:27
1. make the most of your first 1000 wins daily. dont waste them hunting pixies if you are capable of hunting vampires. ;)
2. after 1000 wins, hunt quantitavely to stock up resources like stamina pots, gold, gears, ingredients, etc . the gold and pots will be required for your next day battles again! so plan ahead!
3.dont leave your character on open map. if you are chatting or reading messages, etc. its better to take your hero inside a building or town to avoid unwanted/unseen pvp attacks.
4. if you have a slow connection, avoid hunting in crowded maps. if you need to hunt in that particular area, comeback later in a time when its less crowded. avoid unnecessary wastage of time!
5. avoid chat dramas . infact, stay off chat unless its necessary. check on marketplace chat frequently, so that you dont miss something you might be looking for.
6. follow the rules of the game. don't cheat, don't scam , be honest, and have FUN! ENJOY!

14-05-02 19:42
illusionz: Nice! Thanks for the input :)
14-05-28 05:49
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