Strategy » Server #2 Strategy Guide
jabberwocky: This guide is bconcentrated on equipment.
But you didn't mention where one can take it.
Something is obvious for high level, but noob like me can't get clue where I can get all this stuff.
14-05-02 22:48
kalevala: Ok, so we all know about Server #2: how it's a competition server, the fabulous prizes (and eternal fame, OBVIOUSLY), the chances for new ideas to be implemented, and the way to reinvent yourself away from you classic persona, but most people don't really have a STRATEGY, if you know what I mean.
Anyways, let's get started, shall we?

Regular classes
These include the Barbarian, Paladin, and Druid. For all three classes, it is highly advisable to get (once you reach level 25; before that, really anything goes) The Centurion, Blood Leather Armor, or Grey Leather Armor, as (you guessed it!) Armor, although The Centurion is preferrable. For boots, you have a choice of Arctic, Forest, or Lava boots, although really, the only difference between them is what kind of elemental protection they give you (Forest boots provide Protection from Earth (20%), Lava Boots give Protection from Fire (20%), and Arctic Boots give Protection from Water (20%)), however, I would recommend Arctic Boots, since any low-level mobs that DO cast offensive spells only use ones in the Water spectrum. For a Barbarian, the preferred weapon is the Barbarian King's Mace or Shaman's Staff (Shaman's Staff provides wisdom; it doesn't doo much damage, but it is best to hold on to it so you can equi gear that requires lots of wisdom); Paladins have the Flamberge, and for Druids, the Venom's Wand or The Salamander (The Salamander is better, though). For a helm, Barbarians and Paladins can use the War Bonnet, but Druids need the White Wolf's Head.
14-05-02 21:13
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