But you didn't mention where one can take it.
Something is obvious for high level, but noob like me can't get clue where I can get all this stuff.
14-05-02 22:48

Anyways, let's get started, shall we?
Regular classes
These include the Barbarian, Paladin, and Druid. For all three classes, it is highly advisable to get (once you reach level 25; before that, really anything goes) The Centurion, Blood Leather Armor, or Grey Leather Armor, as (you guessed it!) Armor, although The Centurion is preferrable. For boots, you have a choice of Arctic, Forest, or Lava boots, although really, the only difference between them is what kind of elemental protection they give you (Forest boots provide Protection from Earth (20%), Lava Boots give Protection from Fire (20%), and Arctic Boots give Protection from Water (20%)), however, I would recommend Arctic Boots, since any low-level mobs that DO cast offensive spells only use ones in the Water spectrum. For a Barbarian, the preferred weapon is the Barbarian King's Mace or Shaman's Staff (Shaman's Staff provides wisdom; it doesn't doo much damage, but it is best to hold on to it so you can equi gear that requires lots of wisdom); Paladins have the Flamberge, and for Druids, the Venom's Wand or The Salamander (The Salamander is better, though). For a helm, Barbarians and Paladins can use the War Bonnet, but Druids need the White Wolf's Head.
14-05-02 21:13
Pahina: 1/1