Strategy » DRUID STRATEGY by thestranger
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gelap: use this'a speel...
Weakneas + haste + implosion (master)...
or if u allready have high dex using this'a speel haste + weakneas + implosion (master)..
wanna try with super mobs ;D try dispel ;D
14-05-13 01:22
gelap: lol... ur must using implosion (master) to get life leached (if u using Mgister stntion ;D) n LOL not only that quest ( for level 80 u must kill -_-";) why not? u can kill Undead hidra's u only need good gear with good runes (gul) LOL
14-05-13 01:20
thestranger: This is other proof the battles with Hell hydra rank 2 HARDCORE

Hell hydra
Health: 9315/16080
Congratulations! You won the battle!
Experience: 1,115,892
thestranger total damage - 1,710
Hell hydra total damage -554
About battle:
thestranger cast a spell Weakness (50%).
thestranger hit Hell hydra. Damage - 165 (health left: 10,860).
Hell hydra cast a spell Slow (39%).
Hell hydra hit thestranger. Damage - 510 (health left: 507).
thestranger cast a spell Weakness (25%).
thestranger missed Hell hydra.
Hell hydra cast a spell Slow (15%).
Hell hydra hit thestranger. Damage - 29
(health left: 478).
thestranger cast a spell Weakness(19%).
thestranger missed Hell hydra.
Hell hydra cast a spell Slow(10%).
Hell hydra hit thestranger. Damage - 15
(health left: 463).
Dragon Lord hit Hell hydra. Damage - 1,545
(health left: 9,315).
Hell hydra missed Dragon Lord.
Life leeched: 16
14-05-03 16:16
thestranger: This is proof I won the battles with Supreme archangel HARDCORE rank 3
Supreme archangel
Health: 10993/16900
Congratulations! You won the battle!
Experience: +1,395,002
thestranger total damage -1,545
Supreme archangel total damage - 214
About battle:
14-05-03 16:03
mast3r: Pakenya weak 2x implos (master) .. Biar ada damagenya :v biar dapet life leeched dari magister
14-05-03 15:45
thestranger: When you are level 80 , try to adopt Mystic dragon or Dragon lord, then go hunt quests with your druid. Use spell set as following:
Weakness -> Weakness -> Weakness. What quest should you hunt? Don't try attacking Hell baron or Ghost behemoth, they are very strong, just go hunt Blood dragon or Hell hydra or Supreme archangel. It's very best quest for Druid.
14-05-03 15:42
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