Strategy » The Barbarian's Guide by -machete-
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-machete-: Remember: Barbarians have strength in their gears so strength won't be a problem. Just fill up the weak spots for we are already strong but prone to getting hit. "True power isn't just about strength its also about how wise and fast you are. Learn to combine the three essence and be one of the few people who walketh to the path which Odin once walked"
14-05-04 00:46
-machete-: Barbarians are strong in physical damage for we are an expert melee fighter yet we have a problem on our evasion rate. So what we are gonna do is to increase and train our weak spots. Have the best weapon and armor you can buy at the start. Then hunt and level up from level 1 to 50 increase your dexterity for saphires and dexterity items are merely seen at the start, and for us to strengthen our weak spot. Our best leveling spots are Golem lands killing the Golems in its lands will surely level us up fast enough. Don't go yet to foreign lands if you don't want to get butchered. Find your allies and Team up for protection also. Now, we all know that we are weak against some spells like the "weakness" spell but don't worry about that, all we have to do have those rings and titled gears that gives elemental protection which would be a great help. Water spells are widely and commonly used. Save those gears with elemental protection. Then from level 50 increase your dexterity and wisdom simultaniously for we will need wisdom for our spells which would increase ourl physical damages, dexterity and elemental protections. Don't just level up it'll make you a weak high level - hunt. That way you'll be a swift and wise barbarian wich would also be your advantage.
14-05-04 00:32
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