Strategy » The Mighty Paladin by fireboy
-skepta-: This also works for Assasin, full wis at low levels will work for any class axcept barbs. I've kept this char at level 20+ to prove it
14-05-15 10:27
fireboy: Sorry that its a short post about spells, any questions I'll be happy to answer in pm :)
14-05-11 05:35
fireboy: Just posting to help.

Pallys are by far the weakest at low levels but u would be surprised what u can do if u be smart :)

1) First of all get high wisdom cos ur spells will do more damage below lvl 50 than any physical hit (use damage spells not effect spells), Especially with the critial hits from assasin & amazon. Put all stats from leveling on wis, get dex & strength from gears.

2) As ur level gets higher it will get harder to compete with other classes so make sure u choose ur spell set right (i like slow/haste/haste)

3) The top ranked s2 players usually stay on jewels so unless u have some u will always lose against them, but a good way to minimize damage is x3 weakness.

People have all different ways of playing & none are the wrong or right way to play, but this is the way that has worked for me over the last 3 s2 rounds so I hope it helps :)
14-05-11 05:32
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