FAQ & Information » DETAILED Barbarian Gear
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grbree: So I have been playing BD for about a month and I've ran through the forums and found some basic gear suggestions for Barbarians (centurion being the most common) and I think we could do better.

So I am here asking for detailed information about what gear a Barbarian should equip, now let me explain detailed, weapon armor helm boots amulet and rings, the stats of the original gear, what gems/jewels/runes/titles to add to each gear ( with the assumption that you are putting all stat points into dexterity) what stat each gem/jewel/rune/title increases and by how much, the level at which it becomes available and if possible where to obtain the gear either by random drop/specific drop/3 piece scroll/recipe.

If you do not feel like posting the info here or have partial details feel free to PM me, thank you in advance for helping further the Barbarian race and lucky hunting. =}
14-05-11 06:28
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