First off, hang around a few days!
This is because at the start there's that much competition and very little to lose from giving a few days head start. It actually doesn't stop you at all because while you're hunting for scrolls on weak monsters, everyone else is trying to make pieced gear and it will end up in the mp for you to buy very cheap in around a week.
When it first appears it costs hundreds of credits and is such a waste when you only need to wear it for a few hours.
Now while your hanging back what do you do?
Simple, hunt week mobs and think kills not xp! Kills gain you items which you can sell for credits which in a week or 2 at mosts time will get you better gear for next to nothing. Also at this time the main players have well passed this level and are selling items cheap to equip/pay for new higher end gear.
Ingredients for equipment you know is good is well worth remembering. You have a fortnight to collect what you need and sell what you don't need. You want credits for part 2 anyway.
Right you've held back and now have a stock pile of around 100 credits. Pieced gear is around 5 credits a piece, go buy some good boots, a good weapon and if you really feel it neccissary some armor and helm too but I'd keep the creds as you won't need them long.
Til this point any stats you've earned just place them on dex no matter what the char, druid you can argue wisdom but for the purpose of fast leveling go dex!
So you have your equipment, maybe 50 credits left and you know where your stats are going.
Part 3 frenzy/energy mode.
Spend the credits to boost xp and stam, you have basicly a free roam now so you can level without interuption and you should have no problem coming from behind to getting in the top 10 along the way anything you get that will sell for credits needs put in the mp and used for either frenzy or energy but I sugest both at all times or neither.
Now did you check befor you started what recipies you we're going to make? By now you should have a few legendary equipments ready to make.
Unless you have a lot of credits equiping these won't be easy, but if you finish top 10 your rewards will be great anyway.
I'd love to say there was an easy way to do this but simply there isn't.
Have fun anyway, follow those steps and you'll be over level 60 no problem with a lot of ease.
Enchanters can be a great sorce of xp if you can find a way to damage them more than they hurt you without damaging them more than they heal themselves

Anyway good luck
14-05-11 23:08
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