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raditz: Boudica you actually have no clue about practical suggestions that I've made and have been already implimented into the game you play right now. But that stuffs between me an dreamer and you don't even have to know.

As for most of the players here being children I doubt that also. Sure there will be kids here but obviously there is a lot of adults playing here too or this game wouldn't of servived this long.

I can however only see this last update as damaging to dreamers credibility, and believe it or not I've tried a lot to help dreamer with heraldon and even still this game but moves like that are noticed. Yes I'm aware he needs to make money but personally I would of thought the wise move would of been to open top level on the sms in s2 only making dreamer more money than it actually has. I just think updates are all seeming aimed towards the buisness side of the game and not so much towards the development and ebjoyment of the players who play here.

WoW or FF14 online has a small subscription fee but especially with ff online its £7.60 a month. For this you get a game which is constantly adding new quests and summons and gears and unlike BD you can't just buy game credits to make yourself powerful. You actually have to work to get there and that game has turned over millions already. The updates are geared towards making players enjoy the game and not feel belittled by players with a huge bank ballance, this in turn makes more players want to play there and square-enix a hell of a lot more money long term than a few updates by them to sell best grade things ever would.

You really seem to miss my point, yes it may seem a bit harsh to dreamer and I don't mean it too, I'd hope he would be mature enough to see the point I'm trying to make and actually sit down and say right I'm gonna fix this and make this game something special which everyone who plays here knows it can be.

Right now there are a few cross platform online games but bd is the only one I've seen that has a map you can actually roam around and with that dreamer has an edge on all competition. I'd just love to see dreamer bring a few updates that gives its players more enjoyment and not emptier pockets
14-05-21 12:48
-sailor-: when i am playing on pc adventrue quest worlds
14-05-21 08:30
-skepta-: Play titans war, better & cheaper there
14-05-21 07:57
boudica: @raditz: Yes, it is just you. This game is FREE for everyone to play. No subscription fees or purchased modules needed just to play like WoW & other RPGs. All you can do is find fault with dreamer & the game. The sale of credits is not profitable. The vast majority of players in BD are CHILDREN who have no bank accounts, no credit cards... Therefore they buy nothing. Where is all that money supposed to come from? You do nothing but whine, complain, make insults & negative comments. You make no practical suggestions. Here's a suggestion for you: Log off & never come back... Try to find a FREE RPG that offers as much as BD has to offer. Good luck to you.
14-05-21 04:00
raditz: Is it just me that thinks dreamer needs money for whatever the reason an seen that many people had used this credit service to buy sms an got second best titles an now wants everyone to pay another 100C to upgrade it again for a few stats to boost his own ballance?

I mean he was doing great updating things an boom lost interest an gave druids the weakest update ever got some negitive feed back an just thought I can't be bothered no more :/ I know how to make money and boom!

Please dreamer think about the players! Make this game what it can be an stop money grabbing and I swear you'll make a lot more
14-05-20 21:42
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