Ideas » Characters real level up
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deadlypranay: Whats bad thing jgp? Its for intrest... Its great..
10-12-27 19:45
idiot_terror: Rank title..
10-12-27 21:45
hanzel619: sounds good, i suggest that picture change when they go to the next round.
10-12-28 03:22
deadlypranay: Ya.. I was thinking of it! And one thing barberien's last level should be titan!
10-12-28 03:34
deadlypranay: And Druid level should be wizard, necromancer, lich. Barberien's war barberien, giant, titan... Because giant becomes titan.. In reality
10-12-28 03:38
sjustin: I think thats a good idea but instead of one set class at lvl 25 & 45 but have maybe 2 choices at lvl 25 and depending on ur choice at 45 u get 2 new choiches of class. at 60 another 2 choices
10-12-28 03:46
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