Ideas » Characters real level up
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pd_mindfreak: nice idea dead!
10-12-28 16:33
deadlypranay: And about publicity... Sorry i was wrong... All is about some people play this games and becomes bore within few times.. So if this system comes peoples will not bore.. Because peoples will think- wow my Druid level up to 25, i gain new skills so what about 45 .?! I will gain other new and powerfull skills! I will level up to 45 to become a lich!!!!!!so just think words are so exciting... But in reality how exciting will be!? Peoples will never bore.. And online status will increase . This is my thinking! What you think players and my friends? If this works i have a all new idea.. It will help players greatly.. Ya.. Greatly and i think all will support me in this idea. But now i thinking about this idea... Is this idea will work or not!?
10-12-28 14:06
deadlypranay: If dont you appearance dreamer then dont change it. Just you can add that in profile in top there will be show like

level :titan
.. And i just suggesting not demanding dreamer..
10-12-28 10:54
deadlypranay: Powers are like giant barberiens do 10%extra damage then its simple damage.. Like that.. Lich Druids waist 15 less mana then its simple needed spells mana.. Like that powers.. Ya.. Its right.. How will you bring new pictures...
10-12-28 10:47
dreamer: Problem number 1 - where can I get new pictures for all the new titles? Problem number 2 - what's the difference? Each rank/title should give something extra and that has to be defined. What you request now is just the title change which doesn't effect game in any way. And finally, popularity is gained by inviting people here/advertisement/etc which ALL of you can do. Doing this update won't increase the popularity, people simply won't know about this game.
10-12-28 10:35
deadlypranay: Telling full information- in 1 to 24 level its simple barberien

25 to 44 its what i said

in 45 to 59 its giant

in 60 to unlimited its final transformation.. Its titan... Hahaha.... No need new item.. Just its power and skills increases!
10-12-28 10:17
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