Ideas » dreamer please reopen task option
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zen_zen: Its all in dreamer's hands now, if we want to return the old task or imput the new task. We cant really do anything about it
14-06-06 02:13
-deja_vu-: too bad hardcore task no longer give chance for recipes. -jok3r- told me they used to and he would know :) he & xet are the masters of doing tasks ... i am humble student of theirs
14-06-02 05:09
raditz: Wow I must say I love boudicas proffessional reply to us all haha. I believe you're ment to be a moderator helping the game keep players happy and go well. I think the responce should of been either nothing as it wasn't needed or

'I'm sorry you feel that way, I assure you dreamer is working to fix this problem as soon as possible and the new task updates will be here shortly. Please have patience and understand things take time' not the rambling abuse you spill out every single time you speak haha. Remember you're doing a job and are supposed to be proffessional and not get caught in silly complaints or arguments.

Seriously if everyone just said yeah this is great, then we still wouldn't have keepers, we would all respawn at the town hall and basicly nothing would change.

The players need to voice their opinion for dreamer to know what is wrong.

Anyway yes the old tasks were boring and I personally hated them. But at the same time many players liked them as it gave them something to do. Gaining xp should be a by-product of things you do on a game and not the only reason you play. As I've said I hate those tasks but why remove them out right? I hate grinding monsters on a lot of games for stupid rewards but the same time its something to keep you busy. I really think dreamer should open up tasks and actually turn it into TASKS that's multiple, not just 1 task and here it is take it or leave it. It doesn't make sense. More to do means more happy players. Happy players make dreamer money. And this is a buisness, its just bog standard customer relations, I'm prettysure 16 year olds first working in the public sector know to keep the customers happy :)
14-06-02 02:23
-skepta-: Boudica this is the same attitude you use so dont complain.
14-06-01 17:35
-deja_vu-: » Jewel of damage (I)
» Jewel of damage (I)
» Jewel of damage (II)
» Jewel of damage (II)
» Jewel of damage (V)
» Jewel of dexterity (I)
» Jewel of endurance (I)
» Jewel of endurance (III)
» Jewel of endurance (III)
» Jewel of endurance (III)
» Jewel of endurance (III)
» Jewel of strength (II)
» Jewel of strength (II)
» Jewel of strength (III)
» Jewel of strength (III)
» Jewel of strength (IV)
» Jewel of strength (IV)
» Jewel of wisdom (I)
» Jewel of wisdom (I)
» Jewel of wisdom (II)
» Jewel of wisdom (III)
» Jewel of wisdom (III)
» Jewel of wisdom (IV)(some of us build jewels)
14-06-01 06:06
-deja_vu-: also, not every one can do supermobs so this again would be a fair way for people to get jewels since not all can buy credits.
14-06-01 06:02
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