So you speak to the NPC and he's upset about about something. Turns out he was wandering through some snowy mountainus land that he had never travelled to befor. He asks you if you could find the unusually strong monster there and get back his mothers neckless back.
Now that's all the hint you would get
In this case to complete the quest you would have to go to parapet level 1 and kill monsters until a high rank one dropped the neckless item. The item would have no sellable value and couldn't be traded it would be simply for the purpose of completing this task and moving onto another one.
That was just 1 idea of the top of my head. I'm sure you could think of 100's of these to do and I would even personally help you come up with them for the sake of making the game better. Invite a few trusted mods to help also maybe. Then after a month or so when people get the hang of them introduce 10-20 more with every new update assuming its not incredibly hard to make this work. Being a roofer not a programmer I have no idea if this is even something you are capable of doing.
I would sugest putting many NPCs across all lands. And giving quests for us all to do to each and every one of them. After a year or 2 at this you would have over 500 quests for new players.
If you paired this with the smithing update I suggest for new players and the other task update I'm sure players would find it very difficult to complain there's nothing to do here for a very long time.
Infact I could see new players wanting to play here even it would virtually change this game into something new.
14-06-05 12:25
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