Ideas » super super mobs
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floridaboy: dear dreamer,
i would like to suggest that super2 mobs appear in map and many can attack at the same time the one who inflict the fatal blow gets the reward, so it's a race though and attacker cannot be attack by other player that doesn't attack the mob , and the venue should be in battle arena like gladiators in arena battling a beast and the one who slay it is the victor
14-06-21 20:04
floridaboy: and make it with enormous amount of hp cause 1m hp is nothing to our diablos ,
ex. 1b hp and with time limit like 48hrs ,if not killed it will respawn as new and timer is reset,
14-06-21 20:08
floridaboy: and let's call it raid instead of quest
14-06-21 20:09
floridaboy: and one more, we should have tiers in damage inflicted, and max no of player can hit, and should be accessible by lvls 80 aabove, ex 1b hp/ 1000 max players that can participate , so the fair share is 1m damage, last hitter gets special prize(it's up to you) , only 50 hitters at a time to prevent any lag or site overload,
14-06-21 20:26
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