vanathema: I cannot buy credits, it says 'Error loading page'
14-09-07 21:22
-battlemage-: Hey calm down bro. If You lost credit, it because ur problem of security. You can't get back credit by that way, If we trying to blaming some1 with tranfer credit and said them is thieves? And made them banned or suspended, In any opinion It also unfair for a thief, Them may not robbed if we dont give them a chance to do it. Thank for reding

14-07-08 11:31
-shift-: Me char in server#1 : revolution
Me hunting,me not transfer credit.. Im look log credit . me credit tranfer to mr_shakeys , but mr_shakeys is not me char ? Why ?
14-07-05 10:22
-shift-: What ? Me lost 217 credit ?
I hunting,me not log out and me out in the game ?
I not add mr_shakeys,but mr_shakeys in me friend list now ? Moderator,Help me please.. :'
14-07-05 09:33
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