Off-topic » Android MMORPG
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raditz: I'm actually amazed by this game. Feels great when your running threw massive lands with ffxii style graphics. And a full team of guild members helping you across the way. I mean helping you kill things that would wipe you out on your own. This game is so much about teamwork. I'm lucky the guild I've landed in is very helpfull and has a few healers to save you from needing potions and plenty helpful members and with partys you can share xp as long as you're within 10 levels. Tones of skills for each of the different classes its all real time like warcraft or ff online. Classes all branch out into new advanced classes all with different skills. There is just so much here. In actually in shock with how good a game can be on the android market
14-07-21 07:29
raditz: Urgh but lag is a major issue haha.
14-07-19 05:33
raditz: Just an update, avabel is really cool. Anyone with an android I recomend it highly. Get to level 30+ an give me a message kal' el its almost like final fantasy 12 on a mobile :|
14-07-19 05:30
raditz: Is the graphics decent? I've just started playing Avabel online. Give me a message there if anyone wants to join. My user is Kal' el already made a guild and things. We have storage for helping newbies. Need to have at least a galaxy s2 and wifi to play though
14-07-15 20:43
kleenor: have you tried warspear? it's a damn open world mmorpg
14-07-15 09:12
raditz: What I mean with the XP is sorted of like this game. You know how you get to around level 40 then it goes insanesly slow to 60? Well here its not as bad because there is a few areas to explore.

On dungeon hunter you have maybe 5 areas befor it gets insane and XP gets insanely small. So at level 13 when you have played for an hour or so and it just becomes boring. A game with a max level cap of over 100 should surely let you get to level 60-80 felling strong with 30+ areas of similar XP to keep you feeling interested no?

Anyway look forward to hearing some responces
14-07-12 04:24
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