General » Are you know ,why this game so bored?
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namikaz3: Yeah.. like the topic "are you know ,Why this game so bored?"

I know it !! cz 1.)everyone always make the real char ,then he's lvl up his char until lvl 80/90 !!
so.. he fell so bored cz in his mind always like this "now what I must to do?,I've nice gear,I've high lvl !! oh.. I know Ill be D.A :D ,but I didn't have enought C & lvl to be DA :( !! Ah.. I have an idea :D ,ok I'll creat a new char but in annother class -good2- " You always do that right?? And this game always have newbie char everyday !! with defferent name or identity or gender !!

2.) Dreamer alwasy make event with same topic for example "-Reopen S2 with same award !! -Reopen double credit sale -update a new char -update a new server etc " That's make our fell so bored with the same update -bad-

If you have some Idea about Why this game so bored leave your comment

*Im sorry my english to bad ,cz Im from indonesia and Im not master if speak english !!

Thank's before :)
14-08-03 19:19
sidik_uchiha: I know,cz when we grow up,we've wasted many c(and we buy c with money).
Then player will think: "how foolish of me,i can buy a new lappy with the money i spend in this game!"
14-08-03 19:28
raditz: Its not entirely the fault of dreamer or blackdragon. Its a lot because MMO games are very repetative.

Although lots can be done to aid this an that has not been attempted by dreamer yet I'm not sure if its simply because it would take to long or this games engine is not capable or even dreamer himself can't do these things.

Firstly advanced classes, I'm not gonna go into much detail but I'm sure everyone would get a bit enjoyment out of this for a while.

Advanced skills, spell experience, spell levels. Give a different type of xp at smaller ammounts that players can use to increase the levels of spells or skills. Make passive skills for all classes to spend time leveling up. Make it hard so when you've spent 3 month you get some sense of achievment from it, rather than thinking I'm bored new char.

Make guilds have experience. Have it so guild leaders can upgrade the guild from points earnt. Allow players in a guild to 'donate' useless crap items, these items would be gone forever but the guild would get varying points based on the worth of the item. These points the guild owner could use to spend on boosts for the whole guild. Just for example dex boost starts at 1% for all members at 500k guild points. Again easy to think of many things that would benefit the members.

Tower event, guilds would all enter at a set time, last guild standing would own the tower for the week or fortnight, that tower would have either mobs for greater xp or better item drops or even again simply boost chars stats since everyone seems to love that :/
Quests, very simple basic quests. I've posted many ideas for these in the ideas forums already.

Crafting! New crafting, monsters dropping consumable items that can only be used for crafting. Making boost postions, new weapons and armors anything to give players something new. Again look threw the ideas forum they won't be far from the top but soon forgotten forever.

Achievements, both daily and ones that are gained and only rewarded once. For example a daily kills if you reach 5k kills give us a rune for 10k a magic scroll. That may be way too high or too low, but you get the idea. Kill 100k monsters, gain an item. Use 1000 potions, gain an item or xp or anything, make it worth every little action we take. For god sake even die 500 times and win something for not giving up.

Fact is all mmo's get boring eventually but I can personally think of a ton of things that would make this game a 100% times better at least. Sure it would take a lot of time, but dreamer would make a lot of money from it. And players would be less bored because 1000's of players would play here at all times also.
14-08-05 00:39
kleenor: i got damn bored b'coz why? you wanna all know why? seriously? no kidding? swear to god? do you realy swear to god? are you realy sure you wanna know why? i got damn bored because i've been playing here since 2010!! that's almost four years!! now i'm a senior here and all of you here are only freshmens or sophomores... pay respect to me, mwahahaha
14-08-09 19:15
-skepta-: @kleenor, lol 4 years & level 66? No wonder your bored mate ;)
14-08-10 21:33
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