Server #2 Ideas » Assassin Ideas
copperfield: -good2-
14-12-16 16:52
-trafalgar-: New pet for Assassin:
Level 40
14-12-16 17:02
-trafalgar-: New items crafted for Assassin in level 25:
1. Shadow kiss
Type: Weapon ( dual wield ).

-Damage: 1-24
-Dexterity: +7

2. White glow
Type: Body armor
-Damage: +5-15
-Health: +50
-Armor: 45
-Dexterity: +7
14-12-20 13:41
rival_terrorshot: Maybe as the name suggests assassin, an ability on some items for the assassin and the ability is Ex. Blind Fight +3 which can give the assassin a 90% chance for a critical and the opponent deals no damage towards the assassin.

Ex. As Items
Assassin's Light Helm
+2 Strength
+2 Blind Fight
+4 Agility

Ex. In Battle
-name- critically struck -opponent name- for (damage amount)
-opponent name- missed -name- due to a Blind Attack.

Hope my idea gets into the game as my last one did because like I said I have a lot of ideas

P.S. Dreamer I have ideas for each class so pm me if you wanna here some of em .
15-03-23 23:30
rival_terrorshot: But it is a chance so the more you have the increase on the ability the more chance it will happen
15-03-23 23:31
dragon157: o assassin devia poder usar uma arma em cada mao e usar algumas armas com dano elemental
15-03-25 02:54
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