14-08-17 04:35

Name : ?
Increases your damage.
Value: 75% Max (10%)
Mana required: 10
Wisdom: 15
14-08-17 04:41

Spell: tangling thorn of vines
5% chance of miss enemy atk (increases percentage by 5% every level)
Danage: 10-20 per 5 seconds
Wisdom: 12
14-08-18 01:44

Same time druids need high wisdom so it makes it unfair to other classes.
Let's balance things out.
Can't give druids slow because that goes bad to pally. Can't give us damage boost as out wisdom outruns anyclass now.
2 options.
Give us a none elemental spelll that can equall the damage output from the highest hitters. Take an average damage from top geard chars an work it out.
2bd choice is the damage spell like bloodlush but make the increase effect every 10 wisdom instead of 5. Effectivly making it evenl
14-08-18 05:04