Server #2 Ideas » Druid Ideas
hell_fire: Druid is master of magical spell caster and strongest
1: Manastorm(Passive) " druid become smart to dont cost much
mana at the spell" Reduce ( Level/2 mana cost) (Ex: Level 100
druid reduce 50% mana cost)
2: Ice wall ( Acctive) Druid create a ice wall on the way of
enemy . give to enemy (0.25*wisdom damage - Water magic
type) and slow(20-25%) enemy dexterity . Mana cost 15
3: Blink (Active) Druid too fast for escape on Battle. Enemy cant
attack druid by physical damage, and druid cant attack too
14-08-09 14:58
14-08-19 02:26
usmarella: New spells
14-08-18 23:07
ajo: druid more dexteri AND widsom :)
14-08-18 16:45
-king: Mana leech formula: 5 round(LEVEL / 3)
14-08-18 16:19
-uki-: Rage of Nature -increase 400% next spell damage once. Avalaible at lv60 cities

Dark Spell - clear all enemy's prot. from by 5% (50% at max) available at lv45 cities.

haha how about this?
14-08-18 13:59
-percy-: Druids should get A non Elemental spells which should require lvl80 coz druids r easy targets for barb,Amazon, assassin and necro coz even if druid cast weakness or slow their frenzy type spells still increase their dmg and dex.Assassin and Amazon have critical hit and shot bonus respectively which can be totally deadly and whirlwind is too dangerous too.Druids need a non-elemental spells with high dmg rate than Armageddon master.
14-08-18 13:03
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