a_rief_h: New spell for druid
Name : ?
Decreases enemy dexterity. Takes effect only once.
Class: Air
Value: 75% (20%)
Mana required: 15
Requirements: Wisdom: 50
14-08-17 07:17 Delete
cocolate: no agree.. cz druid have many wisdom!
14-08-17 05:00 Delete
annalinh: i agree

14-08-17 04:54 Delete
a_rief_h: Druid, master of magic and the natural world, but dont have special spell to attack.
I think druid need spell to attack
New spell for druid
Name : ?
Increases your damage.
Value: 75% Max (10%) Mana required: 10
Requirements: Wisdom: 15
14-08-17 04:12 Delete
14-08-18 12:11

14-08-18 13:03

Dark Spell - clear all enemy's prot. from by 5% (50% at max) available at lv45 cities.
haha how about this?
14-08-18 13:59