1: Manastorm(Passive) " druid become smart to dont cost much
mana at the spell" Reduce ( Level/2 mana cost) (Ex: Level 100
druid reduce 50% mana cost)
2: Ice wall ( Acctive) Druid create a ice wall on the way of
enemy . give to enemy (0.25*wisdom damage - Water magic
type) and slow(20-25%) enemy dexterity . Mana cost 15
3: Blink (Active) Druid too fast for escape on Battle. Enemy cant
attack druid by physical damage, and druid cant attack too
14-08-09 14:58
14-08-19 02:26

It's frustating attack enemy with implosion but enemy had earth resistance 50% by god's amulet

and maybe a spell that can absorb enemy's mana.
Name: Manalust

value: 10%
lvl 60
wisdom 100

14-08-19 10:25

14-08-19 22:29

New spell (but this can wait to update)
Spell: tangling thorn of vines
5% chance of miss enemy atk (increases percentage by 5% every level)
Danage: 10-20 per 5 seconds
Wisdom: 12
14-08-21 18:27

useless idea :3
14-08-22 19:34