moekids: add new shield lv125,
'The Wall's Sky'
ingredient 2x Hell's ghoul II Guardian of naraka,
Armor: 1000
Healt: 10000
Mana: 10000
Dexterity: -100
Wisdom: 1000
prot. All: 75%
16-05-15 12:06
knight_heroes: legend item.paladin king's sword.dam 500.str 100.dex 100.end 100.wis 100.port from fire 100%.
15-08-09 13:20
lordscreamers: make a weapon for paladin excalibur sword
15-06-10 02:51
dragon157: os paladino e uma classe boa mais adm vcs deveria deixar o paladino com estatus mais equilibrado. O paladino pelo menos 2 spell master e aumentar o dano magico que as outras classe tem um dano magico monster
15-03-25 02:32
mustorador: New spell paladin have Decreases enemy's dex and damage in lv 60 thx
15-01-11 12:15
mustorador: New spell.add spell weakness and slow only one to paladin thx
15-01-11 12:09
bladsy: 2/7
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