Server #2 Ideas » Paladin Ideas
funnydog890: Paladin's Axe
Lvl 66
Attack: 6969696969
16-10-01 07:03
draculano: produce new rune for lvl100 for each class
16-11-17 23:15
bluez: Pls Preduce A Special Lvl Fifty Rune For +5 all stats
17-01-10 10:36
karase: make a spesial rune for paladin class, like death angle class
17-07-02 12:33
ailza: Make paladin really tanker.. paladin get special ability if use shield. Like assasin have critical. Amazon have have bonus shoot. Paladin have block damage.. block damage random min 25%~90%.

18-10-03 20:13
mre_wap_mu: I angre with @ailza, and why spell protection max was 75%, it will make paladin weak so most one not like this classes. Thank for reading
20-01-29 09:47
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