Server #2 Ideas » PvP Ideas
loading_09: Pvp dont drop item i hate it
18-11-30 11:28
godian_mage: Blackdragon in Peril Event idea

Mobs drop nothing but ore, potion, gem, ring, amulet, ms, or title ms.
All gears must be crafted from ore bars minus title rings or amulets.
No legendary items.
Basic gear not restricted to classes or requirements.
No peice items or recipes. No runes.
No elixers or jewels.

Game ends when top number of players reach 1000 pvp wins using only ore crafted items that are gemed and scrolled.
All spells available.

Tourney type pvp idea.
19-02-09 07:28
magoli: please, so if the jewelry is not active when pvp
20-06-13 11:54
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