Server #2 Ideas » New pet
-percy-: Reviving Pet at Breeder takes way too much gold this should be reduce at least 20x especially coz lvl80 + pet require 100m+ gold.that's little creepy and unjust also pet should absorb 10 health from DMG done coz pets eat what they catch lol.
14-08-09 14:16
-percy-: Also pet should use one spell.only spells that his owner has.Pets like d.lord had more uses before but now everybody has dead d.lords
14-08-09 14:19
floridaboy: each level the added percentage to debuff are reduced by 10% each level this is tricky but it's understandable , heres a sample sequence 1%,1.9%,2.7%,
14-08-09 14:31
mfaiz: New pets for druid lvl 100

pets name :Stands Dragon
14-08-09 14:44
dragon157: Devia cada pet ter um spell normal e um spell master. colocar uns novo pets depois do lv120
15-03-25 03:14
the_brutall: Add new menu in breeder korgym:
-Adopt pet
-revive pet
Example :
Guardian phantom+mirk hunter= mirk guardian,
Pet back to lvl 1 but every lvl up can add 10 percent stats point
15-03-29 12:47
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