1: Glory shield (Passive) Paladin reduce damge of enemy to paladin (15% + paladin level/4 ) (Ex: Level 20 paladin Block 20% damge from enemy)
2: Angelic Health(passive) Heal hp of paladin in battle, Heal ( 20*level/10 + paldin endurance) Hp (Ex: Paladin level 20, have 20 endurance , will Heal 60 hp each battle)
3: Back thorn (Passive) Paldin return damage to enemy. Return 10damage + (paladin dexterity/2 ) (Ex: Pladin have 50 dexterity will return 35 damage
14-08-09 15:19

2. Using potion is much simpler on restoring health
3. Its like an active spell. lol
i do not agree
14-08-09 17:13

14-08-09 17:19