Server #2 Ideas » [Idea] Paladin Passsive Spell
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ili: I think it's unfair advantage :/
14-08-09 17:56
avephenix: Probably for take (x)% of health of the enemies
14-08-09 18:02
hell_fire: unfair? Avery class left have good damge spell or good magic. Only paladin is best useless at anyway tanker is the best place to help paladin get more pick on s2
14-08-09 18:04
ili: you don't have to tell me about discrimination against paladins.I'm just saying that your ideas will make paladins too powerful
14-08-09 18:08
ili: a bit of a damage boost or new spell will do
14-08-09 18:13
shadow_darkness: useless update. just make dreamer much more busy. Let other idea show
14-08-09 18:49
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