Server #2 Ideas » PvP rule
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lance_cocuski: i agree with this, im against Strong players killing weak players. not cool...
14-08-10 21:36
-skepta-: I don't agree with this, s2 is a pvp server. In other words... Get strong or get out :P
14-08-10 21:03
raditz: PvP agreement is a thing that should be on server 1 I have felt this for a long time. All players should have the option to choose a battle or not.

On server 2 it is a pvp server, to make it an agreement effectively turning it into a no PvP server like s1.
14-08-10 20:27
bl4ck: Anyway i hope pvp with same players only happen once and disable multiple attack
14-08-10 20:09
shakespeare: I cannot agree to black sorry
14-08-09 16:54
-uki-: PvP Agreement. Lol this is bad. A weak player will never agree to pvp against strong player. I do not agree.
14-08-09 16:33
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