Server #2 Ideas » PvP rule
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bl4ck: The rule of pvp at s2 must be update. Pvp for same player after win must be not alowed. Pvp can happen only if the defeated player do first attacking. When some one was attack, 'the agreement must made before any pvp begin..its appear to the screan player under attack as new massage inbox
14-08-09 16:19
-uki-: PvP Agreement. Lol this is bad. A weak player will never agree to pvp against strong player. I do not agree.
14-08-09 16:33
shakespeare: I cannot agree to black sorry
14-08-09 16:54
bl4ck: Anyway i hope pvp with same players only happen once and disable multiple attack
14-08-10 20:09
raditz: PvP agreement is a thing that should be on server 1 I have felt this for a long time. All players should have the option to choose a battle or not.

On server 2 it is a pvp server, to make it an agreement effectively turning it into a no PvP server like s1.
14-08-10 20:27
-skepta-: I don't agree with this, s2 is a pvp server. In other words... Get strong or get out :P
14-08-10 21:03
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