14-08-09 17:50

2. I do not agree. Same member clan should be friendly, u should never had negative thinking to your clanmate. lol why not out from your clan?
3. I agree but what the spell? Dreamer asking your idea
14-08-09 17:23

1.~limit to credits tranfer~its been a while since we can't transfer credits to s2. but there are many player in this game who are unable to buy credits including me and we could use some ability to at-least transfer certain amount of credits to s2 for example the limit to transfer credits to s2 will be just 50c or 25c that will help to get things started a little.
2.~Increase of timer for clan member~
it would be much better if the time r for clan members increase because it could be a mean of stealing bosses
from clan members
even someone stole one of the dragons from moonlight. 10secs is really less maybe it can be increased to 30sec?
3.~adding new spell for all classes~ i think if we could have some new spells it would be great

well thats all i got in mind i hope it would be implemented.

14-08-09 16:50
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