Server #2 Ideas » Paladin Auras
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witrexcz: Paladin need Auras what about selection 1 aura that you need to hunt .. In my mind are these auras..
1. Heal Aura - (Heals random 10-50 HP Every Attack)
2. Holy Aura - (Add addictive 20-40 Damage
3. Cruelty Aura - Decrease Enemy Dexterity (15%)
4. Vanish Aura - Mana wasted by spells decreased (35%)
5. Berserk Aura - Incoming Damage is increased by 15% but you have 50% Chance to stun opponent and deal addictive damage (10%)
What about that ? :)
14-08-09 16:55
ili: and how do they work?
14-08-09 17:13
witrexcz: Normally you select one of aura in your spells.. And active them.. But you can have only one aura active and it will be like passive spell
14-08-09 17:19
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