Server #2 Ideas » prefarrable prizes
Read from beginning
cherokee_rose: There is already a system in place about rewards.

Try to provide ideas that do the following:

Please note that if your posts were missing, they were considered to make the game too easy. I will leave this topic open as you have added some new ideas. Please remember:

dreamer: Please.. we need it more BALANCED/exciting/challenging/interesting but not easier.. :)
14-08-16 21:44
ili: and getting in top 5 takes more than ten times that of the prize you mentioned
14-08-09 17:11
ili: do you realize that the prizes given right now are better?
14-08-09 17:10
yomdex: the overall top5 should be given 200c with some recipes and jewels with 5 of each class should be given 50c with recipe and runes with jewels ...
14-08-09 17:08
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