Server #2 Ideas » Druid spell
newspell: druid is master of magic thats good but in high lvl druid are weak than other class / so i suggest that give a new spell for druid for physical damage because many servers druids even cannot touch the dragons hope this will fix
14-08-09 17:32
ili: 'druids can't touch the dragon'? Many druids have went on to become diablos.
And as for physical damage,adding that would give paladins the right to get a physical damage update too.
A class is given an edge in one type of damage.while barbs are given physical,druids magical,premium classes a bit on magical and a lot on physical,paladins are given a bit on physical and a bit on magical
14-08-09 17:38
newspell: u see some previous round how much damage druid did lol
14-08-09 17:39
ili: they did manage to win.only three classes haven't won s2.two because they're because it was ignored
14-08-09 17:42
newspell: druid r diablo when the dragons r simple but now some servers dragons r strong druid has no chance of it
14-08-09 17:46
ili: It applied to all classes.
14-08-09 17:47
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