Server #2 Ideas » boosts for real-time rankings
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apathy: Nice idea.
14-08-13 00:53
ili: boosts for a single day's work instead of total sounds good too.let's put both suggestions to dreamer
14-08-09 21:06
-kilroy-: Better try who have the most kills / most won battles / most tasks made / most quests killed / most pvp wons in one day gets random boost for 24hrs.. those are just a few examples :)
14-08-09 21:03
ili: changing the ones who gets the boost each day would be better than changing it in an hour
14-08-09 20:53
ili: top 5 in each rankings are chosen each hour and they'll be given a boost according to their position.that's what I thought it could be
14-08-09 20:34
protecter: Its a good idea.. but how would it work?
14-08-09 20:28
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