staks: It would be most appreciated if we could get a search option in market, considering the countless time spent lookin through 24 hours of items to not find it.
11-01-06 10:49
staks: Something along the lines of enter search, keyword exp.- mana. A list will pop up of that item how long le ft and price. If it's even there. Good or bad idea?
11-01-06 10:51
swtdrmz: 1 of things i do while wait'n on stamina to rebuild is read forums n look at marketplace..
11-01-06 12:17
swtdrmz: search engine wouldnt do ya any good if some1 else wants the item .. lol .. i'v watch'd for a long period of time to be last bid'r on item i truly want. Sometimes it comes down to a frenzy of bid'n!!
11-01-06 12:19