Server #2 Ideas » New pieced gear
ipecac: I propose several existing weapons be enabled to be equipped in shield slot for ALL classes. Smaller weapons maybe. Of course this would benefit assassins most, as they would get their attack 300% bonus. Assassins and amazon should get their level 80 legendary gears. Also, all legendary gear with assassin in the title enable to equip in shield slot all classes.
shadow assassin mask should give 20% additional bonus when they hit for the 300%. Assassins need a few assassin only pieced weapons. All bows should be all classes, but only amazon get shot bonus. That isn't any incentive for non amazon to use bows I guess. Just throwing it out there.
14-08-09 22:11
ili: ikr.been saying that since last round.druids and barbs have lvl 25 pieced gear that gives them huge stat boosts compared to the normal pieced stuff.pallies and the premium classes need stats that suit their class too
14-08-09 19:53
kleenor: not good... too many kind of pieces of weapon will make players hard to hunt other pieces of what they are trying to make
14-08-09 19:31
nightshadows: Until now there has only been new recipes for legend gear i think there should be some new lvl 25 and lvl 50 pieced gear so that players can hunt quest mobs easier at lower lvls since after lvl 60 it doesnt matter since you can get runes.
14-08-09 19:04
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