Server #2 Ideas » Improves of Clans
-siliwangi-: one more : information for reading, how to create in server #2 character, requirements if i want to play in server #2, what that "entrance key",, why there are not "id pasword", etc. in all language (language setting),, cause, i want to play in server #2, but i don't know how to play (create character) for server #2,,
14-08-09 21:11
-siliwangi-: example : player from clan "hell" can't attack player either from clan "hell" too,, but, player from clan "hell" can attack player from clan either, only in land area,, in battle arena and castle, all players can attack,,
14-08-09 20:49
-siliwangi-: antar player (one clan) dibuat tidak bisa saling attack,, player hanya bisa menyerang player lain yang berbeda clan (clan either) in land area,, kecuali di battle arena and castle, all player bisa saling attack,, (translate : sorry, i cant speak english very much)
14-08-09 20:36
kanetsugu: -good-
14-08-09 19:27
avephenix: Regards,
acephenix ;D
14-08-09 19:21
avephenix: I think, When the points of the clans gradually improve the clan will be stronger. For example, the entire clan has +10 damage if you have 200 or 300 points. I would like we had a good utility the points and not just for classification.
14-08-09 19:13
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