-astrid-: A lot of the recipes I found/bought were not craftable (champion's edge, for example) because the Class Titles have been disabled.
Please find a way to enable the Class Titles again OR.... get rid of the recipes we can no longer craft!
14-08-09 21:00
-kilroy-: Or change those class based titled ingredients with others that can be hunted/scrolled..
14-08-09 21:24
-uki-: Agree kilroy
14-08-09 22:08
ipecac: I posted something about uncraftable legendary items in another forum earlier today. These recipes need changed ingredients or bring back title classes. Also, now that (V) in title classes is/was available, maybe the ingredients should be changed to the higher gear. Maybe these old recipes could be eliminated and existing recipes could be bought out or traded in for other random recipes.
14-08-09 22:32
illusionz: Good idea, ipecac... I agree
14-08-09 22:43
ipecac: I posted an idea in chat a month or so ago. Make parchment drops. Parchments can be crafted with an item to make a strength/wisdom/endurance etc. Bonus. Craft 2 parchments with an item to gain a class titled improvement. Craft 3 parchment and you get a magic scroll.
14-08-10 05:46