Server #2 Ideas » new spells
weasel257: i think it will help beacuse there will be more spells for all classes and people wont complain to you dreamer :)
14-08-09 21:44
weasel257: (druid): implant, it is a device you use and after a few rounds it explodes and does 157 damage requires lvl 80 178 wisdom it is in conflux town next is necromancer: drain it drains 150 health and give 75 life leech lvl 80 125 wisdom in conflx town next paladin: wind storm: 175 damage requires lvl 80 176 wisdom in conflux town next is amazon: critical it give +50% to do a shoot bonus requires level 80 179 wisdom in conflux town next brabarin: (master frenzy) adds dexeiraty strength and endurance requires level 80, 75 wisdom in conflux town next is assasin: (master) wraith strike it does everything wraith strike does but more powerful
14-08-09 21:41
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