14-08-09 22:11

Both Amazons and Assassins need level 10 (not actually level 10, its just that that's when you can enter the Battle Arena) pets and level 20 pets. Both classes also need level 25, 60, and 80 class-specific weapons.
Assasins need Legedary gears, and the ability to wear two non-class-specific weapons, or one class-specific and one non-.
Ammazons need a small leather band that can be worn on a forearm in place of a shield. It profides very little protection, and next to no stats, but at least now they won't look incomplete.
The Server #2 round in wgeneral, i you ask me, should last the usual 3 months, and the dragons should definetely NOT land at the outset.
Also, we are STILL waiting for the 8th ring...
14-08-09 22:08
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