Server #2 Ideas » Updates for Barbarians, Amazons, and Assassins
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ili: barbs and amazons need more? They're already two of the toughest classes in the game.assassins need something .that's fair.
amazons already have deadly damage.with more defense,I don't know how any other class is gonna match them
14-08-10 04:05
ili: paladins,assassins and amazons doesn't have class gear for lvl 25.I kept saying that before last round but no one seemed to notice. As for lvl 60,only assassins doesn't have it.when we consider lvl 80,assassins and amazons doesn't have it.these spots must be filled
14-08-10 04:09
-park-: New legend all equipmen for amazon clas
14-08-10 04:47
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