raditz: I'm not sure, the tension on a bow would make it very awkward to actually pull the bow back significantly reducing your accuracy with the bow. Also risking chance of smashing yourself in the face with the shield if you are not extremly carefull. I do agree maybe a slightly higher armor rating on amazon class armor would be reasonable.
Also if you we're given quivers to boost dex a little it would make you harder to hit.
For the huge damage I really believe a lower armor is kinda fair.
14-08-09 22:58
ipecac: I think shields for amazons should be brought back. I believe you can hold a shield while shooting an arrow, although maybe awkwardly. Amazons held shields with bows should have a 1/3 armor reduction.
14-08-09 22:51
raditz: I posted something similar a while back in ideas forum or updates I can't remember but I fully agree. A quiver would be a fair edition. Adding obviously no armor, maybe damage and dex is best.
14-08-09 22:47
manboy257: I believe amazon armours should be made. Amazons need armour with strong armor rating, and dex/wis/str, we dont need anymore damage tho, maybe instead of a shield if u have a bow equipped u can equip a quiver, a quiver is a case of arrows, and you can get titles, a basic quiver can start with like +5 damage + 3 dex, but there could be legendary quivers with hell barons title stuff like that. Also since amazons have damage boost chance we should have less of a range in damage instead of being 36-66 you could have 56-66, i think this one is good because sometimes we dont do damage bonus 300% and we do little damage and lose, please consider these ideas. I also believe that blackdragon.mobi should add a new class called Vikings, Vikings will have the power two have massive weapons that require both hands to hold, their weapons do massive damage, their armor is light though, and they cant use shields because they need both hands to use these massive weapons
14-08-09 22:34
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