illusionz: For a long time now, the mobs don't give 100% drop rate to premium services.
All other difficulty levels give the 100% drop rate (except some of the quests - which is normal).
I have to hunt in expert mode, even on mobs I could kill in hardcore, just to guarantee I have a fair shot at recipe, ms, and rune drops.
At s1 this is a problem, at s2 its even more so.
14-08-09 22:38
_mortred_: very true.. recently i killed 140+ night dragons on diamond yet i did not even get one titled ring nor any ms or runes except for some junk pieces
14-08-09 22:43
_mortred_: hey where is my post about pvp set? did it get deleted? i cant find it. was planning to add smthing
14-08-09 22:47
ipecac: I do the same thing, I hunt expert to guarantee drops.
14-08-10 05:34
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