Server #2 Ideas » class evolution
-uki-: Dreamer said, No new class at this time
14-08-10 08:18
travalgars: poison master has poison effect of all attack

unseen danger has super high dex
14-08-10 07:12
travalgars: spearman has a good damage

hunter has a good dexterity
14-08-10 07:10
travalgars: holy knight has high wisdom, light element and some white mage spell

black mage has dark element, high wisdom and some black mage spell
14-08-10 07:08
travalgars: monk has'nt a spell but has powerfull attack and endurance

swashbuckler has all barbarian spell and high dexterity and wisdom
14-08-10 07:05
ili: final fantasy! :D
14-08-10 07:05
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