Server #2 Ideas » Magic Scroll update
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meshakh: make it so that when u kill a single mob 500 times in a row u get a scroll with that mobs title this will help people with gears and recipes
14-08-10 14:56
ili: that's EXACTLY what is said in my 'beast scales' idea
14-08-10 17:39
dragon_emperer: i agree with if the magic scroll will drop once per 500 monsters as Meshakh will help people on thier equipments
14-08-10 18:56
dragon_emperer: but chances to drop is 50%-70%
14-08-10 18:58
lance_cocuski: I agree, because the random drop rate and random title wastes too much time.
14-08-10 21:00
-skepta-: Great idea
14-08-10 21:08
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