Server #2 Ideas » Magic Scroll update
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ipecac: Specific title scrolls is an interesting idea, but automatically getting that scroll after 500 kills is the part of the idea I disagree with.
14-08-11 13:00
ili: this is insane!! I said the EXACT SAME THING in my 'beast scales' idea and everyone are just saying its useless.when someone else suggest it,it's instantly accepted -.-
14-08-11 12:20
raditz: The randomness in scrolling sucks incredibly. But that isn't even what this topic is suggesting I don't think.

It sounds like he is saying you kill sav 500 vampires you will get a vampire scroll. It wouldn't give any other title except vampire.

That to me sounds better than finding a scroll for your very hard worked legendary gear then scrolling it to get sprites title haha.

Really would be nice if there was a way for players to work hard for things and not buy them. Sure on s1 this is possible but s2 isn't the place for those players.

You can't even start s2 to make credits and save them for the next s2 as we are not allowed to transfer the credits over to the next s2.
14-08-11 12:09
ipecac: Randomness in scrolling is good. If the game becomes just a sequence of get item, attack 500 vampires... It would be formulaic and kinda boring.
14-08-11 05:37
-skepta-: Great idea
14-08-10 21:08
lance_cocuski: I agree, because the random drop rate and random title wastes too much time.
14-08-10 21:00
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