Server #2 Ideas » Play too Win
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raditz: No you miss my point, I am saying the exact oposit of that. The server is a huge money maker for bd. I mean for players to be able to buy frenzy energy and hp mana let us buy premium and diamond and everything that is none transferable with gold that we earn. Oibviously they should not be cheap but achieveable with hard work.

This in turn means everyone will have to buy more credits if they want to keep their unfair advantage or they will have to play harder and wiser.

Could really add a lot to the competition of s2
14-08-10 18:01
witrexcz: agree.. For Credits buy only Diamon/Premium/Supporter and nothing else because when someone has so much money and has job he buy 1000 credits and every day frenzy and energy mode with mana and hp gain.. we need to stop on server #2 this modes..
14-08-10 16:38
raditz: Right everyone knows to stand a chance of wining server 2 you need to spend insane ammounts of money.

How about on server 2 all credit options would also be available to be purchased with gold.
Gold is a lot harder to come by on s2 and this would give people a fighting chance. Lazy players will still buy credits in silly ammounts to stay ahead of the game and could even possibly need to buy more credits as good players of the game will soon start to overtake them if they don't also play well themselves.

Only things that could not be bought would be transferable items. This is to stop cheating by using a smaller character to buy items at the lower rate to sell or transfer to their main account.

Make this server 2 an actual competition of who can play bd the best and not who has the biggest wallet. You stand to make even more money that way from what I can see.
14-08-10 16:32
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